Days 151-159: Catch up

Apologies for my unplanned blog stoppage! Life got a little crazy, and even on nights when I could have written, I was just too tired to do it. On several occasions I basically went to bed with the kids.

Let’s see. The particulars:

Last Friday we read books about the Garifuna for Geography Club on Monday. Papa had a going-away party for work, and I was so tired from staying up very late a couple of nights that I fell asleep with the kids.

The next morning, Saturday, we packed some things and headed up to a timeshare condo an hour away that my parents were renting for a week. (Because of our other obligations, Papa’s work, and the dog, we couldn’t spend every night there, and one of us always needed to sleep at home. So for the rest of the week, we shuttled back and forth.) Once we got there, Papa went to go pick up Uncle B from the airport, and then he had to head back home for a second going-away party. (This was Papa’s last week of work at the hospital. At the beginning of April he’ll be going away for four months for additional school and training, and then begin working at the brig nearby for the next three years. Papa is sad to leave his friends at this job, and they are sad to see him go.)

The kids and I spent Saturday evening with Uncle Ben and Grammy and Grampy, and slept at the condo. Papa came up the next morning, and then after an outing we all drove home Sunday evening. I got us ready for Geography Club the next morning.

Monday: Geography Club, library, ballet. Early to bed. Tuesday: co-op, then drove back up to the condo. Papa stayed home. Wednesday, Papa drove up to the condo, and I drove back home with Boy, leaving Girl with Papa. Boy and I went to violin, the library, and ballet. Afterwards I took him out to eat at a fancy Bolivian restaurant to try tamales. He absolutely loved them. When we got home, we went on a night walk. Then we cuddled up and went to bed at the same time.

Meanwhile, Girl had a fabulous day of adventure with her Dad, her beloved uncle, and her grandparents. They played mini-golf. They took her out to eat. Then for the first time in her life, she spent the night without me. She called me a couple of times, and woke up during the night a couple of times, but she did great.

The next morning, now Thursday, I drove back up with Boy so we could visit with Grammy and Grampy before saying goodbye. Uncle B flew home that morning. We visited, ate, said goodbye, drove home. That night I went to bed with the kids, but Girl got sick, we thought maybe from a bad hotdog.

Friday I made appointments for the next couple of weeks (trying to take advantage of Papa’s leave), cleaned, tried to regroup a little. Girl got a fever. She slept for most of the day.

Friday night in bed, Girl started to complain of tummy pain. By early early Saturday morning, it was severe enough that Papa drove her to the ER to make sure it wasn’t appendicitis. It wasn’t. Probably just stomach cramps on her right side. Papa brought her home with some anti-nausea medication. She was very upset with us because she couldn’t go to a birthday party that was going to be a lot of fun, for one of her best friends. She was also very upset with us because we made french toast and wouldn’t give her any. Then she was mad because we wouldn’t let her play outside. Eventually she just gave up on us completely and went to sleep.

She slept for several hours.

In the late afternoon I needed to go to a meeting with the other directors of our co-op, and that lasted several hours. When I got home, I got the kids in bed, and then spent the rest of the evening going through the many small items on my to-do list for the co-op, fearing that if I delayed, I would forget to do something.

And that, my friends, brings us to Sunday. Which gets its own post. It’s nice to be back!

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